Course data is updating now, please try again in a few minutes.

I.College College    Credits     Grade
II.Category Category   Credits   
III.Instructor Name Instructor Name or Code Show the courses offered with the faculty containing these words in their names. (It is not for instructor code)
IV.Course Title Course Title
Day  Period ~
Show the courses containing these words in their titles.
Start the function of selecting multiple times.
List all courses taking place at these times.
V.Course Time College/Category
Day  Period ~
List practicum only. (Only main courses will be listed if this item is not ticked.)
List all courses taking place at these times.
List main courses and their practicum.
VI.Control Number Please enter Control Number   (Control Number is composed of four digits.)

 1. To Search for Core curriculum, Physical Education, Common Subjects (including General Courses and Military Training), Teacher Education, Distance Education,
  Blended Course, Courses Offered in English, Seminars, Project, Chinese Curriculum, Core curriculum on Lanyang Campus, Physical Education on Lanyang Campus,
  Common Subjects on Lanyang Campus, or Courses Offered in English on Lanyang Campus, please define your search in the second criterion 'Category'.
 2. The loading is heavy when the criteria 'Instructor Name', 'Course Title', and 'Course Time' are utilized and thus the search speed will be slow. Please choose other
  criteria unless it is necessary.
 3. When the system is overloaded, the criteria 'Instructor Name', 'Course Title', and 'Course Time' will be down until the loading is reduced.
 4. The function 'Course Selection' and 'My School Timetable' is only for reference. The selected courses will not be enrolled in the system. Please enroll the courses
  within your appointment times.

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